MOGA Pro Power Game Controller Review + Batman Giveaway Winner Announcement
Hey guys! I apologize for the delay in posting new content due to a number of reasons from work and climate. However, I hope this post today will make up for it as it is something very interesting and worth writing about!
Over the weekend, my brother decided to give me my birthday present this year a little bit earlier than expected. Knowing that I have a knack of replaying classic games via Emulators on my Android phone, he got me my own mobile game controller - the MOGA Pro Power Controller!

New Gadget Toy!

The unboxing - Ready to MOGA indeed!
The MOGA Pro Power Controller takes your mobile gaming experience onto a whole new level of fun most especially if you are running emulators! It lets you relive your favorite games from past successful consoles without the nuisance of the touchpad controller and your fingers covering parts of the screen. It also simulates the good old digital pad experience like how console games should be played and lastly, it makes more buttons playable which is crucial to many popular RPGs, Racing and Action games (such as the dual clickable analog sticks, L1, L2, R1, R2 buttons - using them is a breeze compared to the touchpad controller which is really difficult and almost unplayable for certain games). This gadget also won the "Best New Hardware" Award during the famous E3 expo!

Back of the Box
But what makes the MOGA Pro Power Controller so special as compared to just buying an OTG wire and connecting your USB Controllers? Well, to start, the MOGA Pro Power is compatible with Android 2.3+ Smartphones and Tablets and it comes with a set of drivers makes the controller a lot more universal and compatible with most mobile game apps and mobile emulators like the one I use - ePSXe for Android. (You can buy the ePSXe for Android app at the Google Play Store for only P183.11! This has been the best PSX emulator I have used for mobile so far.) Since most smartphones face the inevitable problem of losing battery life quickly when in use, the controller changes that - it has the capacity to charge your Android smartphone or tablet with a built in 2200mAh internal power while playing! This makes a huge breakthrough for gamers especially for those who love to get immersed into their games for hours at a time (like me sometimes :P). In short, this controller lets you jump into the fun of extended gaming without worrying of your power draining and losing connection from your social world!
The package comes with just about everything you need to complete your mobile gaming experience - the controller itself, a MOGA tablet stand, 8" MOGA BOOST cable, and a 3" Micro-B USB Charging Cable.

the box contents
The MOGA Pro Power controller can be connected to your smartphone or tablet in two different ways: you may either connect via Bluetooth or via the MOGA BOOST Cable for the charge and play feature. To get started, you will be asked to download the free MOGA Pivot App through the Google Play Store. It will help connect your controller with the proper drivers to run efficiently. The app also contains a library of games that you can enjoy - some for free and some for a small price.

Moga Pivot App Screenshot
The other feature that I love about the MOGA Pro Power is its SMRT Lock. Back when I was still using the OTG cable and my Xbox 360 wired controller, I would normally require a stand or a place where I can put my screen up to avoid light glare and/or horrid seating positions just to see what's going on in the game (let's not forget about the long dangling wire behind which could be a real nuisance when on the go). Since I'm also using a Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3, finding a suitable case with a stand is a bit of a challenge and somewhat costly as well. The controller's SMRT lock features let you have complete freedom to game on anywhere literally with comfort. It's MOGA Arm with SMRT lock securely mounts your phone in front of the controller giving you the perfect view of your game.

Enjoying the MOGA Pro Power Controller Experience!
Can you guess which game is currently being played?

The MOGA Arm with SMRT lock Technology
Right below it has the USB slot for the MOGA BOOST cable that allows you to charge while you play
What I love about the controller as well is how it has really took comfort for long-term gaming. The design of the controller fits comfortably on my hands when in use. The buttons are also not difficult to press and hold down, and are made of good quality materials that's surely meant to withstand extended gaming overtime.

Up close on the buttons, directional pad and dual analog sticks!
So there you have it! Overall, I am very happy with the experience and fit that this handy mobile controller has to offer. I would recommend this as a must have for gamers on the go especially when reliving the glory days of old consoles through your Android phones and tablets! I know MOGA has other interesting controller models fit for other phones including the iPhone too! If you want one, get your own MOGA controller today from Datablitz! :)

On an adventure in Suikoden II!
By the way, here is the lucky winner of my Batman Detective Comics #27 Giveaway last week:
Congratulations to Justin Torres! You win one (1) copy of the Batman Detective Comics #27 Special Edition from me! Kindly send me a message so I may coordinate with you on claiming your prize!
Thank you once again to all those who joined! Stay tuned for more exciting reviews and giveaways soon! :)